Welcome to my site! My name is Maggie McNeill, and you may know me as "The Honest Courtesan"; for almost ten years now I've been writing a popular daily blog, expressing myself on Twitter and publishing articles in Reason, the Washington Post and Cato Unbound, among others. I've also appeared in videos and television news programs, and I'm often consulted by journalists, educators, researchers, lawyers and even politicians as an expert on the subject of professional companionship.
When I first started writing I was temporarily retired, but after a while I began to realize that I truly missed my work and the wonderful gentlemen I met through it. So I began working again; at first I used my old "stage name" from New Orleans and worked part time, then in 2014 I started to use a new name. But after moving to Seattle I realized that I needed to just be myself, so as to make it easier for those who'd enjoy seeing me to make arrangements to do so. You will find that I don't create a "persona"; this is who I am, and I've expressed my feelings in print for all to see, without facade or pretense.
From the time I was very young I was always fascinated by the courtesans of the past, especially those of antiquity; they were women who understood that life is to be lived, and that providing company to gentlemen is a high calling. As I matured I knew that I wanted to be like them, and after my education and working as a librarian for a few years I adopted their calling as my own, and have embraced it for over fifteen years now.
I don't hide behind a pretend age or shave decades off my life; on the contrary, I am proud of the years that I've lived and I take pleasure in caring for myself so well that I'm often taken for much younger.
Take a look at the pictures in my gallery and the many candid shots I post online, often without makeup; I have nothing to hide and my beautiful face and stunning figure are more than matched by my deep understanding of men and decades of experience in how to best give a man what he most desires.
I want to connect with you on a multitude of levels, so I prefer longer engagements that allow time for conversation and relaxation in addition to passion. And no matter how many times we meet, I think you'll find each encounter unique, enchanting, and unforgettable. Please take a moment to fill out my contact form. I will respond promptly – your time is valuable, and I understand and respect that. Once that formality is out of the way, we can find a mutually convenient time to get to know one another.